Email Notifier

Deprecated since version 2.7: This pages describes a notification framework that has been deprecated and will go away in Pulp 3.0.

The Email notifier is used to send an email to specified recipients every time a particular event type fires. The body of the email will be a JSON serialized version of the event’s payload.


The Email notifier is used by specifying the notifier type as email.

The following configuration values are supported when using the Email notifier:


Required. The text of the email’s subject.


Required. This is a tuple or list of email addresses that should receive emails.


The body of an inbound event notification will be a JSON document containing the following keys:


Indicates the type of event that is being sent.


JSON document describing the event. This will vary based on the type of event.


JSON document giving the Call Report, if the event was triggered within the context of a task. Otherwise this field will be null.