Content Sources

Pulp supports a generic concept of Alternate Content Sources that is independent of Importers and Repositories. Each content source is a potential alternate provider of files that are associated with content units in Pulp. Pulp maintains a catalog of the content provided by each source which is periodically refreshed using a Cataloger server-side plugin. During a refresh, the cataloger queries the content source using this information to update the catalog. The next time Pulp needs to download a file associated with a content unit, it searches the catalog for alternate sources based on the source’s priority. Each alternate source is tried in priority order. If the file cannot be successfully downloaded from one of the alternate sources, it is finally downloaded from the original (primary) source.

Defining A Content Source

Content sources are defined in /etc/pulp/content/sources/conf.d/. Each file with a .conf suffix may contain one or more sections. Each section defines a content source.

The [section] defines the content source ID. The following properties are supported:

  • enabled <bool>

    The content source is enabled. Disabled sources are ignored.

  • name <str>

    The content source display name.

  • type <str>

    The type of content source. Must correspond to the ID of a cataloger plugin ID.

  • priority <int>

    The optional source priority used when downloading content. (0 is highest and the default).

  • expires <str>

    How long until cataloged information expires. The default unit is seconds but and optional suffix can (and should) be used. Supported suffixes: (s=seconds, m=minutes, h=hours, d=days)

  • base_url <str>

    The URL used to fetch info used to refresh the catalog.

  • paths <str>

    An optional list of URL relative paths. Delimited by space or newline.

  • max_concurrent <int>

    An optional limit to the number of concurrent downloads.

  • max_speed <int>

    An optional limit to the bandwidth used during downloads.

  • ssl_ca_cert <str>

    An optional SSL CA certificate (absolute path).

  • ssl_validation <bool>

    An optional flag to validate the server SSL certificate using the CA.

  • ssl_client_cert <str>

    An optional SSL client certificate (absolute path).

  • ssl_client_key <str>

    An optional SSL client key (absolute path).

  • proxy_url <str>

    An optional URL for a proxy.

  • proxy_port <short>

    An optional proxy port#.

  • proxy_username <str>

    An optional proxy userid.

  • proxy_password <str>

    An optional proxy password.

  • basic_auth_username <str>

    An optional basic auth username.

  • basic_auth_password <str>

    An optional basic auth password.

  • headers <str>

    An optional list of HTTP headers. Delimited by space or newline. Has to be of the format headerfield=headervalue. Conflicting headers are overwritten, not merged.


enabled: 1
priority: 0
expires: 3d
name: Content World
type: yum
base_url: http://content-world/content/
paths: f18/x86_64/os/
max_concurrent: 10
max_speed: 1000
ssl_ca_cert: /etc/pki/tls/certs/
ssl_client_key: /etc/pki/tls/private/content-world.key
ssl_client_cert: /etc/pki/tls/certs/content-world.crt
headers: X-RHUI-ID=1234


The pulp-admin client can be use to list all defined content sources as follows:

$ pulp-admin content sources list

                            Content Sources

Base URL:       http://content-world/content/
Enabled:        1
Expires:        3d
Headers:        X-RHUI-ID=1234 X-Csrf-Token=31415926535897
Max Concurrent: 2
Name:           Content World
Paths:          f18/x86_64/os/ f18/i386/os/ f19/x86_64/os f19/i386/os
Priority:       0
Source Id:      content-world
SSL Validation: true
Type:           yum

The pulp-admin client can be used to delete entries contributed by specific content sources as follows:

$ pulp-admin content catalog delete -s content-world
Successfully deleted [10] catalog entries.

The pulp-admin client can be used to refresh content catalog using all content sources:

$ pulp-admin content sources refresh
                        Refresh Content Sources

This command may be exited via ctrl+c without affecting the request.

Refreshing content sources
[==================================================] 100%
2 of 2 items
... completed

Task Succeeded

The pulp-admin client can be used to refresh content catalog using a specific content source:

$ pulp-admin content sources refresh --source-id content-zoo
                        Refresh Content Sources

This command may be exited via ctrl+c without affecting the request.

Refreshing content sources
... completed

Task Succeeded