Pulp OSTree 1.2 Release Notes

Pulp OSTree 1.2.0

New Features

  • The importer has the capability to pull using a user specified tree traversal depth. This is controlled using the depth property in the importer configuration. The traversal depth determines how much of the commit history is pulled. For example: a depth of 3 will cause the newest 3 commits to be pulled for a given branch.

  • The distributor has the capability to publish using a user specified tree traversal depth. This is controlled using the depth property in the distributor configuration. The traversal depth determines how much of the commit history is published. For example: a depth of 3 will cause the newest 3 commits to be published for a given branch.

API Changes

  • A depth property has been added to both the importer and distributor configurations. This controls to tree traversal depth when pulling remote refs and when publishing trees. A depth of 0 (the default) specifies that only newest commits are pulled and published. A depth of -1 is used to specify an unlimited depth.

Bugs Fixed

You can see the list of bugs fixed.

Pulp OSTree 1.2.1

New Features

  • Support has been added to repair a corrupted local repository. Using the optional –repair or -r option, the importer will repair corrupted storage. The repair may require that the storage be deleted and recreated. This option should only be used as a last resort.

API Changes

  • A repair property has been added to the importer configuration. When true, the importer will repair a corrupted local repository.

Bugs Fixed

You can see the list of bugs fixed.