Tags ==== v2 -- Manifest Tags are stored as Pulp Units. Each Tag has a name, a manifest_digest (the digest of the Manifest that the Tag references), schema_version (the schema version for the manifest the Tag references), manifest_type( image manifest or manifest list the Tag references) and a repo_id. A Tag's name, schema_version, manifest_type and repo_id must be unique together so that in any given repository a Tag only references a single Manifest(image or list). Here is an example of tag with name 'latest' within a repository:: [ { "updated": "2017-07-12T11:43:29Z", "repo_id": "man-list", "created": "2017-07-12T11:43:29Z", "unit_id": "98a4ba20-f60e-4b9d-8aa3-9bbe23030b4c", "unit_type_id": "docker_tag", "_id": { "$oid": "59660b6152e81521aead11c3" }, "metadata": { "repo_id": "man-list", "manifest_digest": "sha256:69fd2d3fa813bcbb3a572f1af80fe31a1710409e15dde91af79be62b37ab4f70", "manifest_type": "list", "_ns": "units_docker_tag", "_last_updated": 1499859809, "schema_version": 2, "pulp_user_metadata": {}, "_content_type_id": "docker_tag", "_id": "98a4ba20-f60e-4b9d-8aa3-9bbe23030b4c", "name": "latest" } }, { "updated": "2017-07-12T11:43:29Z", "repo_id": "man-list", "created": "2017-07-12T11:43:29Z", "unit_id": "cf56285e-1acd-4834-9dbd-35721b8964e6", "unit_type_id": "docker_tag", "_id": { "$oid": "59660b6152e81521aead11c2" }, "metadata": { "repo_id": "man-list", "manifest_digest": "sha256:7864a5b2d5ba865d0b3183071a4fc0dcaa365a599e90d5b54903076ed4ec5155", "manifest_type": "image", "_ns": "units_docker_tag", "_last_updated": 1499859809, "schema_version": 1, "pulp_user_metadata": {}, "_content_type_id": "docker_tag", "_id": "cf56285e-1acd-4834-9dbd-35721b8964e6", "name": "latest" } } ] v1 -- Tags on Images are managed via the repository object. In the ``tags`` sub object of the ``scratchpad`` object, a list of key value pairs for each tag & Image ID are stored as shown below. Example Repository object:: { ... "scratchpad": { ... "tags": [ { "tag": "latest", "image_id": "48e5f45168b97799ad0aafb7e2fef9fac57b5f16f6db7f67ba2000eb947637eb"} ] }