Consumer ======== There are several commands for managing consumers. Other type-specific commands, such as ``bind``, are provided by type-specific extensions. History ------- Pulp keeps a history of the operations that pertain to each consumer. The ``history`` command has several options for filtering and limiting its output. :: $ pulp-admin consumer history --help Command: history Description: displays the history of operations on a consumer Available Arguments: --consumer-id - (required) unique identifier; only alphanumeric, -, and _ allowed --event-type - limits displayed history entries to the given type; supported types: ("consumer_registered", "consumer_unregistered", "repo_bound", "repo_unbound","content_unit_installed", "content_unit_uninstalled", "unit_profile_changed", "added_to_group","removed_from_group") --limit - limits displayed history entries to the given amount (must be greater than zero) --sort - indicates the sort direction ("ascending" or "descending") based on the entry's timestamp --start-date - only return entries that occur on or after the given date in iso8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ) --end-date - only return entries that occur on or before the given date in iso8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ) The ``history`` command shows the most recent operations first. :: $ pulp-admin consumer history --consumer-id=consumer1 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Consumer History [ consumer1 ] +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Consumer Id: consumer1 Type: repo_bound Details: Distributor Id: puppet_distributor Repo Id: repo1 Originator: admin Timestamp: 2013-01-22T16:07:52Z Consumer Id: consumer1 Type: consumer_registered Details: None Originator: admin Timestamp: 2013-01-22T15:09:58Z List ---- This command retrieves a list of consumers. "Confirmed" bindings are those for which the agent on the remote consumer has performed a bind action. "Unconfirmed" bindings are waiting for that remote action to take place. :: $ pulp-admin consumer list --help Command: list Description: lists a summary of consumers registered to the Pulp server Available Arguments: --fields - comma-separated list of consumer fields; Example: "id,display_name". If specified, only the given fields will be displayed. --bindings - if specified, the bindings information is displayed --details - if specified, all of the consumer information is displayed $ pulp-admin consumer list +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Consumers +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Id: consumer1 Display Name: Consumer 1 Description: The first consumer. Bindings: Confirmed: repo1 Unconfirmed: Notes: Search ------ For a more powerful way to find and list consumers, user the :ref:`criteria` based ``search`` command. :: $ pulp-admin consumer search --str-eq 'id=consumer1' Capabilities: Certificate: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICETCB+gIBEDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADAUMRIwEAYDVQQDEwlsb2NhbGhvc3Qw HhcNMTMwMjA5MTQ1NzQ2WhcNMjMwMjA3MTQ1NzQ2WjAOMQwwCgYDVQQDEwNmb28w gZ8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADgY0AMIGJAoGBAKvJ+5XzfArVxxrm4a16UoOA7F0x N++uip+GTqj/v9wG3ktHom+hlP0mlrzYOq731RS3zSBN8lkmCifRU+GKcyfG41/s k1LCGLR8N2AQin8XEeKjaloG4h9Q11ZLYWWklWSAbgL1HmzFg1FNiuEH7IPUR8MW PDExyOVOOHNjvhbTAgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggEBAIlpxab9wWOXczAZ bL+qdIf74bQ0yPug6wn1uWR6PamSYF6BuHzZIMHyq6n1ikx+RhBE2GGt0O01yR7Q Iq2zzOW80eJop5ct8pgoykVvMEG7xvF9qA2diJAi9npsA/dzvhaeyAFAcsCG60pU FKSOCjG8fXhyaU6o9oqX13dRo4ahW33ofYBnC/1Ck0L19ZDm5aA7zlu12j/ssMmI sDUZNzGg50lPvV58/1nalmxLWuNNScaWhOErPKowkfh8K7lcBfMVZs5H3VJQ6hW7 iqjFyGBtASOdgw+Nc7yCkJSvUbkV+3uhKHNF+TG0uGGGPBcyOq+qkXEBeNwLKPbL taWnfe8= -----END CERTIFICATE----- Description: None Display Name: Consumer 1 Id: consumer1 Notes: Unregister ---------- Registration must be initiated from ``pulp-consumer``, but unregistering can be done from either end. :: $ pulp-admin consumer unregister --help Command: unregister Description: unregisters a consumer Available Arguments: --consumer-id - (required) unique identifier; only alphanumeric, -, and _ allowed $ pulp-admin consumer unregister --consumer-id=consumer1 Consumer [ consumer1 ] successfully unregistered Update ------ Basic attributes of consumers can be modified using the ``update`` command. :: $ pulp-admin consumer update --help Command: update Description: changes metadata on an existing consumer Available Arguments: --display-name - user-readable display name (may contain i18n characters) --description - user-readable description (may contain i18n characters) --note - adds/updates/deletes notes to programmatically identify the resource; key-value pairs must be separated by an equal sign (e.g. key=value); multiple notes can be changed by specifying this option multiple times; notes are deleted by specifying "" as the value --consumer-id - (required) unique identifier; only alphanumeric, -, and _ allowed $ pulp-admin consumer update --consumer-id=consumer1 --description='First consumer.' Consumer [ consumer1 ] successfully updated