Group Membership ================ Consumers can be associated and unassociated with any existing consumer group at any time using the following REST API. Associate a Consumer with a Group --------------------------------- Associate the consumers specified by the :ref:`search_criteria` with a consumer group. This call is idempotent; if a consumer is already a member of the group, no changes are made and no error is raised. | :method:`post` | :path:`/v2/consumer_groups//actions/associate/` | :permission:`execute` | :param_list:`post` * :param:`criteria,object,criteria used to specify the consumers to associate` | :response_list:`_` * :response_code:`200,the consumers were successfully associated` * :response_code:`400,if one or more of the parameters is invalid` * :response_code:`404,if the group does not exist` | :return:`array of consumer IDs for all consumers in the group` :sample_request:`_` :: { "criteria": { "filters": { "id": { "$in": [ "lab1", "lab2" ] } } } } :sample_response:`200` :: ["lab0", "lab1", "lab2"] Unassociate a Consumer from a Group ----------------------------------- Unassociate the consumers specified by the :ref:`search_criteria` from a consumer group. If a consumer satisfied by the criteria is not a member of the group, no changes are made and no error is raised. | :method:`post` | :path:`/v2/consumer_groups//actions/unassociate/` | :permission:`execute` | :param_list:`post` * :param:`criteria,object,criteria used to specify the consumers to associate` | :response_list:`_` * :response_code:`200,the consumers were successfully unassociated` * :response_code:`400,if one or more of the parameters is invalid` * :response_code:`404,if the group does not exist` | :return:`array of consumer IDs for all consumers in the group` :sample_request:`_` :: { "criteria": { "filters": { "id": { "$in": [ "lab1", "lab2" ] } } } } :sample_response:`200` :: ["lab0"]