======================= Pulp 2.12 Release Notes ======================= Pulp 2.12.2 =========== Bug Fixes --------- See the list of :fixedbugs_pulp_rpm:`2.12.2` Pulp 2.12.1 =========== Bug Fixes --------- See the list of :fixedbugs_pulp_rpm:`2.12.1` Pulp 2.12.0 =========== New Features ------------ * RPMs are now being published into new folder structure e.g. "Packages/d/dnf.rpm". This applies to all RPMs which will be published after this update, even during incremental publish in a repo with the old folder structure. Incremental publishes will place newly-added RPMs into the new folder structure while leaving previously-published RPMs in the old locations. This is safe and correct. If you prefer to have all RPMs published in the new layout, simply perform a full publish on each repository.