Plugin Configuration


Type ID: puppet_importer


URL to an existing repository that should be imported, for example

The repository may be either a Puppet Forge repository or a plain directory containing a pulp manifest and packaged puppet modules. The pulp manifest is a file listing each puppet module contained in the directory. Each module is listed on a separate line which has the following format: <name>,<checksum>,<size>. The name is the file name. The checksum is SHA-256 digest of the file. The size is the size of the file in bytes. The Pulp manifest must be named PULP_MANIFEST.


Directory containing:

  • module-a.tar.gz
  • module-b.tar.gz
  • module-c.tar.gz



The URL: file://myhost/modules/PULP_MANIFEST

Comma-separated list of queries that should be run against the upstream repository. Each query is used separately to retrieve a result set, and each resulting module will be imported.
Boolean indicating whether or not previously-synced modules should be removed from the local repository if they were removed in the upstream repository. Defaults to False.


Type ID: puppet_distributor

This distributor publishes a forge-like API. The user guide explains in detail how to use the puppet module tool to install, update, and remove modules on a puppet installation using a repository hosted by Pulp. This distributor does not support the search functionality that Puppet Forge offers, primarily because that feature is not compatible with the concept of hosting multiple repositories at one FQDN.

Base absolute URL path where all Puppet repositories are published. Defaults to /pulp/puppet.
Full path to the directory where HTTP-published repositories should be created. Defaults to /var/lib/pulp/published/puppet/http/repos.
Full path to the directory where HTTPS-published repositories should be created. Defaults to /var/lib/pulp/published/puppet/https/repos.
Boolean indicating if the repository should be served over HTTP. Defaults to True.
Boolean indicating if the repository should be served over HTTPS. Defaults to False.

Install Distributor

Type ID: puppet_install_distributor

This distributor publishes modules by actually installing them into a given install_path[/subdir] on the Pulp server’s filesystem. This is useful when you want the contents of a repository to exactly be the collection of modules installed in a puppet environment. This allows you to use Pulp’s repository management features to manage which modules are installed in puppet.

This distributor performs these operations in the following order:
  1. Creates a temporary directory in the parent directory of install_path[/subdir].
  2. Extracts each module in the repository to that temporary directory.
  3. Deletes every directory it finds in the install_path[/subdir].
  4. Moves the content of temporary directory into the install_path[/subdir].
  5. Removes the temporary directory.

Extracted files and directories will inherit the uid and gid of the pulp process that extracts them. Because some puppet modules contain files with problematic filesystem permissions, pulp ensures minimum permissions of 0644 for regular files and 0755 for directories.

When this distributor gets removed from a repository, such as when the repository gets deleted, the install_path and everything in it will be deleted.


This distributor deletes everything in the install_path!


This is a full path to the directory where modules should be installed. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that Pulp can write to this directory. The web server user (for example, apache) must be granted filesystem permissions to write to this path and the parent directory. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. Additionally, the system SELinux policy must permit Pulp to write to this directory. Pulp’s SELinux policy includes a pulp_manage_puppet boolean that allows Pulp to write to paths that have the puppet_etc_t label. You must ensure that the install_path and its parent directory have this label applied to it. This boolean is disabled by default for safety. If you wish to enable it, you can do this:

$ sudo setsebool -P pulp_manage_puppet on

/etc/puppet/ has the puppet_etc_t label by default, so if you use this or a sub directory of it as your install_path and you enable the pulp_manage_puppet boolean, SELinux will allow Pulp to write to that path.


This is an optional setting to install puppet modules in a subdirectory of the install_path. This allows Pulp to install puppet modules in install_path[/subdir] and to remove the install_path directory on distributor removal. If the specified subdir does not exist it will be created.

subdir defaults to None, so if a subdir options is not provided the module is installed in the install_path directory. An existing repository that wishes to use the subdir option can update the distributor config.

Sample Request:

"distributor_configs": {
        "subdir": "modules"

File Distributor

Type ID: puppet_file_distributor

This distributor publishes modules by making them available in a flattened format in a single directory on the file system and served via HTTPS. The files are published to the https_files_dir specified in the plugin configuration. A repository is placed in a subdirectory of the https_files_dir with the same name as the repository id. The base URL path where all Puppet repositories are published is /pulp/puppet/files.

Full path to the directory where HTTPS published file repositories will be created. Defaults to /var/lib/pulp/published/puppet/files.