Retrieval ========= Retrieve a Single Repository Group ---------------------------------- Retrieves information on a single repository group. | :method:`get` | :path:`/v2/repo_groups//` | :permission:`read` | :param_list:`get` None | :response_list:`_` * :response_code:`200,if the repository group is found` * :response_code:`404,if the group cannot be found` | :return:`database representation of the matching repository group` :sample_response:`200` :: { "scratchpad": null, "display_name": "Demo Group", "description": null, "_ns": "repo_groups", "notes": {}, "repo_ids": [ "dest-2" ], "_id": { "$oid": "500ee4028a905b04e900002e" }, "id": "demo-group", "_href": "/pulp/api/v2/repo_groups/demo-group/" } Retrieve All Repository Groups ------------------------------ Retrieves information on all repository groups in the Pulp server. This call will never return a 404; an empty array is returned in the event there are no groups defined. This call supports the search query parameters as described in :ref:`the search API conventions `. | :method:`get` | :path:`/v2/repo_groups/` | :permission:`read` | :param_list:`get` | :response_list:`_` * :response_code:`200,containing the array of repository groups` | :return:`array of groups in the same format as retrieving a single group; empty array if there are none defined` :sample_response:`200` :: [ { "scratchpad": null, "display_name": null, "description": null, "_ns": "repo_groups", "notes": {}, "repo_ids": [], "_id": { "$oid": "500ead8a8a905b04e9000019" }, "id": "g1", "_href": "/pulp/api/v2/repo_groups/g1/" }, { "scratchpad": null, "display_name": "Demo Group", "description": null, "_ns": "repo_groups", "notes": {}, "repo_ids": [ "dest-2" ], "_id": { "$oid": "500ee4028a905b04e900002e" }, "id": "demo-group", "_href": "/pulp/api/v2/repo_groups/demo-group/" } ]