======================= Pulp 2.17 Release Notes ======================= Pulp 2.17.0 =========== New Features ------------ * The `gpg_key_id` yum distributor configuration value was previously ignored unless `gpg_cmd` was configured. It is now used with the default GPG signing command when `gpg_cmd` is not configured. * The export distributor now generates a ``*.iso.DIGESTS`` file along with the ISO. This file will contain md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, and sha512 digests of the ISO. * RPM content unit dependency solving during e.g recursive copies now utilizes `libsolv` which was added as a `python-pulp-rpm` dependency too. * The rich/boolean dependency solving is now supported when e.g recursively copying RPM content between repositories. * More conservative dependency solving is now supported when e.g recursively copying RPM content between repositories. * Advanced support for modular content is introduced. In addition to regular sync and publish of modules and it's defaults, it is possibile to upload them into Pulp by providing a yaml doc file. Copy and removal is also possible. To trigger recursive mode for modules, `recursive` option should be set to True. Use standard Pulp REST API endpoints to perform upload, copy and removal of modular content. Technical refernce of newly added content types `modulemd` and `modulemd_defaults` is available `here `_.