Create, Delete, and Update ========================== .. _create_consumer_group: Create a Consumer Group ----------------------- Creates a new consumer group. Group IDs must be unique across all consumer groups defined on the server. A group can be initialized with an array of consumers by passing their IDs to the create call. Consumers can be added or removed at anytime using the :doc:`membership calls`. | :method:`post` | :path:`/v2/consumer_groups/` | :permission:`create` | :param_list:`post` * :param:`id,string,unique identifier of the consumer group` * :param:`?display_name,string,display-friendly name for the consumer group` * :param:`?description,string,description of the consumer group` * :param:`?consumer_ids,array,array of consumer ids initially associated with the group` * :param:`?notes,object,key-value pairs associated with the consumer group` | :response_list:`_` * :response_code:`201,consumer group successfully created` * :response_code:`400,if one or more of the parameters is invalid` * :response_code:`409, if a consumer group with the given id already exists` | :return:`representation of the consumer group resource` :sample_request:`_` :: { "id": "test-group", "description": "A test group of consumers", "consumer_ids": ["first-consumer", "second-consumer"] } :sample_response:`201` :: { "_id": {"oid": "50407df0cf211b30c37c29f4"}, "_ns": "consumer_groups", "_href": "/v2/consumer_groups/test-group/", "id": "test-group", "display_name": null, "description": "A test group of consumers", "consumer_ids": ["first-consumer", "second-consumer"], "notes": {} } Update a Consumer Group ----------------------- Metadata about the consumer group itself (not the members) can be updated with this call. Consumer members can be added or removed at anytime using the :doc:`membership calls`. | :method:`put` | :path:`/v2/consumer_groups//` | :permission:`update` | :param_list:`put` * :param:`?display_name,string,same as in create call` * :param:`?description,string,same as in create call` * :param:`?notes,object,same as in create call` | :response_list:`_` * :response_code:`200,if the update executed immediately and was successful` * :response_code:`400,if one or more of the parameters is invalid` * :response_code:`404,if the group does not exist` | :return:`updated representation of the consumer group resource` :sample_request:`_` :: { "display_name": "new-name", "description": "new-description", "notes": {"new-note": "new-value"} } :sample_response:`200` :: { "scratchpad": null, "display_name": "new-name", "description": "new-description", "_ns": "consumer_groups", "notes": {"new-note": "new-value"}, "consumer_ids": [], "_id": {"$oid": "5344df87e5e71066d17aa889"}, "id": "test-consumer-group", "_href": "/pulp/api/v2/consumer_groups/test-consumer-group/" } Delete a Consumer Group ----------------------- Deleting a consumer group has no effect on the consumers that are members of the group, apart from removing them from the group. | :method:`delete` | :path:`/v2/consumer_groups//` | :permission:`delete` | :response_list:`_` * :response_code:`200,if the delete executed immediately and was successful` * :response_code:`404,if the specified group does not exist` | :return:`null`