Retrieval ========= Retrieve a Single User -------------------------- Retrieves information on a single Pulp user. The returned data includes general user details. | :method:`get` | :path:`/v2/users//` | :permission:`read` | :param_list:`get` | :response_list:`_` * :response_code:`200,if the user exists` * :response_code:`404,if no user exists with the given ID` | :return:`database representation of the matching user excluding user password` :sample_response:`200` :: { "name": "admin", "roles": [ "super-users" ], "_ns": "users", "login": "admin", "_id": { "$oid": "502c47ace5e7100b0a000008" }, "id": "502c47ace5e7100b0a000008", "_href": "/pulp/api/v2/users/admin/" } Retrieve All Users ---------------------- Returns information on all users in the Pulp server. An empty array is returned in the case where there are no users. | :method:`get` | :path:`/v2/users/` | :permission:`read` | :param_list:`get` | :response_list:`_` * :response_code:`200,containing the array of users` | :return:`the same format as retrieving a single user, except the base of the return value is an array of them` :sample_response:`200` :: [ { "name": "admin", "roles": [ "super-users" ], "_ns": "users", "login": "admin", "_id": { "$oid": "502c47ace5e7100b0a000008" }, "id": "502c47ace5e7100b0a000008", "_href": "/pulp/api/v2/users/admin/" }, { "name": "test name", "roles": [], "_ns": "users", "login": "test-login", "_id": { "$oid": "502c8c08e5e7100b0a000049" }, "id": "502c8c08e5e7100b0a000049", "_href": "/pulp/api/v2/users/test-login/" } ] Advanced Search for Users -------------------------------- Please see :ref:`search_api` for more details on how to perform these searches.